Wildlife detections LLC

Wildlife Research & Monitoring Services in Central California.



California mountain lions have become candidates for listing under the State’s Endangered Species Act. The California Mountain Lion Project has developed this stunning 8-part mini-series to help increase knowledge and awareness. Please consider watching, sharing, and supporting these important conservation efforts.

California Mountain Lions 8-Part Miniseries
California Mountain Lion Project 8-Part Mini-Series

Current Projects

Understanding Tule Elk and Mountain Lion Connectivity in the Pacheco Pass

Understanding Mountain Lion Connectivity and Gene Flow in the Northern Gabilan Mountains

Using a chainsaw to conduct trail maintenance.

Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Reserve Maintenence


Having worked as a Wildlife Biologist on Catalina Island for over a decade, I am excited to introduce you to the amazing wildlife that inhabit the island and share some insights on the wildlife recovery and management efforts I had the privilege of working on.

Recent Articles

About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Calvin Duncan. I created this website to share some of the adventures I’ve had working as a wildlife biologist over the last 25 years and to showcase various conservation projects that could use your help.

A portion of any advertising income or affiliate commissions generated through this website will be donated to mountain lion conservation and wildlife habitat protection in California.

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